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The Power of Training Your Brain

Our brain is unique in its complexity and ability; it determines our daily habits, establishes mindset and creates function. We train for the discovery of what our brain is capable of. We train for promoting wellness. We train for continued growth.

Linear vs Non - Linear Neurofeedback?

There are currently two generations of Neurofeedback systems, linear and non-linear, respectively.

Linear Neurofeedback, which is the first generation if Neurofeedback devices, works by first taking a brain map, known as a QEEG. Then, it measures the brainwave frequencies of the trainee's brain and looks for deficits. For example, it may show that the brain is not emitting enough Beta activity .After identifying the problem, a set of protocols are created by an expert trainer to help the brain shift out of maladaptive patterns, and to reward brain patterns that are within the range of a 'normal' brain. The trainer uses data and self-report information from the client to adjust the protocols over a series of sessions. It is a linear, stepped process, and sometimes the frequencies needed for one set of symptoms can be wrong for another, which can lead to confusion and a trial and error course of training. This type of Neurofeedback has potential to create side effects.

NeurOptimal®, non-linear (dynamical) Neurofeedback, there is no need for diagnosis. NeurOptimal® is designed to give the brain continual information about what it has just done. The brain then uses this information to organize itself. During a Session, the Client listens to music or watches a movie. As soon as NeurOptimal® detects that the brain is about to make a change, feedback is provided via a very brief pause in the sound. The brain then adapts itself in response to the information, which then provides new and different information for NeurOptimal® to mirror back.

The main difference between non-linear and linear neurofeedback, is that in non-linear feedback the trainee's brain, not the trainer, is the expert deciding what to do about the brain's maladaptive patterns.The system mirrors the brain's natural functioning. It is designed using dynamical non-linear mathematics that mimics how the brain naturally uses feedback to improve itself. The key ingredient in brain science is that in order for the brain to function optimally, it needs real-time information about its own communication.

What is NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback®?

NeurOptimal® represents the cutting-edge of neuro-technology today. With the required expertise built into the system and its unsurpassed ease of use, millions of hours of experience have shown NeurOptimal® to be the effective, safe choice for those seeking the most out of life.

NeurOptimal ® Neurofeedback is a sophisticated Brain Training tool designed to help optimize your life that was developed by Clinical Psychologists, Dr.’s Valdeane & Susan Brown. It has evolved over the last 30 years from two individuals offering Training Sessions in their private office to literally 4+ million sessions logged and thousands of people using it on a regular basis.

The NeurOptimal ® system measures the differences in the electrical signal emitted from the scalp using EEG sensors. This electrical signal is mathematically measured 256 times per second, by voltage changes and is read through the NeurOptimal ® software program which initiates an interruption in the audio/video stream as it detects when a change is about to happen. This small minute interruption is enough to warrant the individual to notice.

Combining the exclusive Dynamical Neurofeedback® brain electrical signal measuring with captivating audiovisuals, Training with NeurOptimal ® allows an individual to observe their brain activity and optimize their mindset. It is a unique tool for catalyzing personal transformation.

How do NeurOptimal® Sessions Work?

NeurOptimal® is effortless Brain Training. After applying 3 clips and 2 small sensors, you simply relax in a recliner, watch the custom visualizer and listen to captivating music. NeurOptimal® does the rest. NeurOptimal®’s Dynamical Neurofeedback® technology measures brain behavior from .01 hertz to 64 hertz, collecting and analyzing data 256X per second or, 500,000+ times in a single Session. This sophisticated process is exclusive to NeurOptimal®, Dynamical Neurofeedback®.

Who Uses NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback?

Anyone with a brain! In all seriousness though, NeurOptimal® is a great tool to have as part of a wellness program as it is designed to promote a flexible-and-resilient mindset. No matter where your lifestyle takes you—from athletes to executives to students, performers or artists, no matter the age– an optimal mindset helps you to be your best.

NeurOptimal® and Children

Training Your Mind & Your Body

School is most beneficial when the students, staff and parents are in peak mental condition. NeurOptimal® Brain Training does exactly that, allowing the individual to perform at their optimal level. NeurOptimal® does not specifically work on any one skill. Instead, it works globally, by developing the ability for transition, to respond and react when needed and to adjust to change flexibly.

Can you imagine how all the basic skills mentioned above would flourish if your child were able to respond and adjust more quickly and effectively? Every brain, and so every child, is capable of this, and each one will train differently. But even though how they learn will be different, a common thing we have found among them is how their personal journeys are subtle ones – without much of a cue, they will soon start doing things that give the impression of maturing faster than their peers. Many parents report their child getting their backpacks together on their own, finishing their homework without being reminded and thinking ahead to be more organized. The ability to perform optimally in Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Language, Problem Solving and Social Personal skills will promote better performance in all areas of school, from sports to grades. Who wouldn’t want that for their child?


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Jeremy Jackson
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Email: paula@paulawatt.com


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